
I'll try not to bore you as I explain my journey into writing. It began at a young age thanks to poetry and Will Smith. Yep, The Fresh Prince of Belair is why I'm here. I remember watching an episode where Will had to recite a poem in class. Being unprepared as he usually was, he stepped up to the podium with no lyrics to recite. He paused for a moment, surveyed the classroom and stopped on a clock hanging on the wall in the back of the room. And there, it began..... "Tic toc clock. The clock is ticking for you. 'Cause the love you said you'd give, is coming up way past due."

The classroom went crazy! Needless to say, a “writer” was born that evening. Fast forward a few years later to that Fresh Prince superfan earning a Bachelor's degree in Mass Communications from Florida International University. After that, I was accepted into the Miami Ad School copywriting program where I earned "Top Dog" honors (for a poem I wrote).

Since then I've produced work for global brands like McDonald's, Miller Lite, Yelp, Amazon, Candy Crush and more. I haven't been able to sneak a poem into a commercial yet, but that time is coming. Tic toc clock....

Update: I was, in fact, finally able to sneak a poem into a commercial. See HACER More campaign.